Is Bundling Dead?

Gone are the days when you can simply buy a couple of containers of Planters Nuts at Costco, and throw in a plastic scoop, and call that listing your own brand.

In fact, I’ve been teaching the OPPOSITE of this for 7 years.

Well now, Amazon has finally made a sweeping crackdown on “bad” bundles.

And they’ve implemented a new rule that sellers must have a LOA (Letter of Authorization) for brands they make bundles around.

So now, sellers who’ve tried to skirt the rules, and play in the gray area are getting shut down.

So why is Amazon doing this?

First, it’s likely not your fault if you have been bundling this way.

There are several so-called gurus in the Amazon space who’ve gleefully been teaching sellers to just buy some Crayola crayons and throw in a keychain, then create their own listing.

This method of “lazy bundling” as I call it, has ALWAYS been wrong, and now Amazon is cleaning up the mess.

And loads of sellers are now left scrambling to figure out how Amazon wants bundles done, RIGHT.

No surprise if you’ve been following me, I’ve taught a different approach to bundling since 2017, and have coached hundreds of sellers how to create profitable bundles, and indeed niche brands, that they sell on and off Amazon.

Spoiler alert: it does NOT rely on big brand products.

Instead, I teach that you should first identify a passionate niche market… one you can solve a problem for, or feed their passion.

THEN, source products, the right way.

Click here to join the Bundle Machine-Summer School for just $397

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