Your competition is a listing for any PRODUCT that appears when your ideal customer types your target keywords into the search bar.
You are competing for the eyeballs and money of your ideal customer.
So you want to search as if you are your CUSTOMER searching.
Your competition is not existing BUNDLES, but ANY product that is served up in the search results when your customer types in your target keywords.
Here’s the process:
- Conduct a search using one of the top keyword PHRASES you brainstormed;
- Search whatever platforms you want to sell on (the results will be different for each);
- Scroll down the entire first page results to get an overview of the selling landscape, paying attention to the good sellers;
- Write down any product ideas that look like they might be a good addition to your bundle;
- Review 2-3 best sellers’ listings for weaknesses in the reviews.
- Identify top sellers – on Amazon use tool like RevSeller to quickly view rank on the Amazon search results screen;
- View their listings – what do they do well?
- Add bundle product ideas to your list;
- What keywords are they using you can add to your list?
- Read negative reviews – what are the product weaknesses?
Bundle on!
~ Barbara “the Bundle Queen” Drazga